Thursday, November 19, 2009

Story of my life!!!!!!! xD

"Pain is the only thing that reminds me.... it was real"

"Fool me once,shame on you, fool me twice shame on me "

"You have to forgive to forget, and forget to feel again"

"Tu tienes algo lindo en ti algo muy especial"

"Hey Mr. Dj play that song"

"Learn to write music and you will go far"     :D love you!

"You are a song written by the hands of God!"

"Como quieres que te olvide? Si cuando te olvido empiezo a recordarte"

"I miss you"- hexi

"Cuando estoy contigo crece mi esperanza"

"Tu tomastes tus decisiones, mientras yo tome las mias"

"Buy me ice cream and I will love you :D" hexi!

"Tan linda iooooooo! "

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I got a Job!!!
Thats cool, I is my first job so i dont care where i work at.
Im going to be building a new skill that i had not known before
Soon i will get my new ipod touch and guitar with the money im going to be getting
Hopefully ill be good at it.
School is going ok, to much to read!!! :[ But is for my own good :]
Math & English are the hardest i dint know it was going to be this hard for me and after a year in Germany of not doing anything hehehehe!! :D
Me la estoy pasando muy bien... I went to the fair for the 2nd time here and it was amazing I won 2 prizes a little basketball and a Huge orange Care bear that dosent fit in my bed :]
I meet my new baby nice also
Good times

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

La Uni

Empeze la uni que emocion eso quiere decir que estare bien ocupadaaaa
tendre que leer demaciado y estudiar mucho
extrano Alemania (: really really
pero es bueno estar en casita

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Botanical Garden

Guess Who is back???:D

Can Germany's weather be anymore awkard!!!?? Cold Rain with wind, then Sun, Snow all in the same day!!! That did not help my cold get better=(....

Today we went to The Botanical Garden with my school class. I really wanted to go home after 5 minutes of being there it was so cold i could not feel my toes!! =( There where no flowers outside at all!! i look like no interesting place to be at!!! Later we got separated into groups and we enter and inside garden .. I feelt way at home there..Home meaning Venezuela home they where a lot of plants from the tropics and South America. I saw some orchids and even a huge banana tree with bananas ready to come out=)... Later i feelt like in Texas/Mexico there was another room filled with cactus and I saw an agabe plant.. I told several people that in that plant lives a"Gusanito"and people in Mexico eat it after they make Tequila from that plant.
I arraived home with a masive headache and wanting to go to sleep but first I was told to eat and while eating I got a lecture and books from the Schleswig-Holstein Parlament where my host mother works. I was so tired I was not paying attention to what he said so I finnished eating and went to bed but Im preatty sure I am going to get asked about it on Friday when we go and visit the Parlament so I have to study it up!!! Arggg I sleeped 2-6 my host mother told me she entered my room and I looked dead so she dint disturved me (=. Deutsch Course is finnished ahy gracias a Dios ya me andaba poniendo loca todos esos verbos!!! Now im going to go to school more and to all the classes to see how it goes :D Hope everything goes well!!
Tommorow im going to see an active U-Boat in a town near here oh que chevere!!! I'll tell all about it tommorrow...
Oh yes i forgotto tell you ill be leaving for my Euro Tour Monday March 30th and Coming back April 17th. Hexii lost in Europe hahha lets see what new adventures this will bring!!
New Photos
New Blogs
New New Video Blogs!!!
Europe here i come only 5 more days left!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

2009 Here We Come

Hola (= Como están??

Creo que hoy he decidido escribir en español. Lo siento es que estoy pensando en español porque mi ingles ahorita se anda mezclado con el Alemán que barbaridad!! Primero que nada quiero decirles que espero que este 2009, año que se está estrenando sea lleno de muchas Bendiciones, dicha y felicidad. Que sus nuevas resoluciones sean cumplidas y no dejadas a media s. Ya los extraño, pero si Dios quiere nos vemos en un cerrar y abrir de ojos… Pueden creerlo el Miércoles cumplo 5 meses aquí en Alemania. Increíble pero cierto ahora que lo veo el tiempo se ha pasado rapidísimo y de hoy en adelante se pasara más rápido, hay que aprovechar el tiempo y visitar cuanto lugar pueda .. Porque nadie sabe cuando tenga el privilegio de regresar otra vez…… En otra nota ya estoy en una nueva familia. Es una señora de la media edad 40 años divorciada con dos hijos. La hija de la señora esta también de intercambio como yo pero ella está en Australia. Mi hermano anfitrión tiene casi 15 años , como lo podre describir mmmm… no hay palabras para escribirlas… porque si las escribo luego dicen pero luego les contare como es pregúntenme…. Luego tenemos al novio de la señora también me cae súper bien al igual que la señora … Pues él tiene 2 hijos y cada dos fin de semanas se quedan con su padre. Ellos me caen bien a pesar de que la niña tiene 13 años y el niño 15. El niño es flaquitisimo a la exageración…. y la niña toca guitarra. También estas los abuelos que son un amor.. Especialmente la abuela porque me manda la comida con la señora y cocina sabroso especialmente mi día favorito es los jueves hace pescado con puré de papas y ensalada (= …. Los viernes la señora no trabaja y me lleva a el cole.. Los lunes y jueves me lleva el señor y los martes y miércoles me voy en autobús por que entro un poco más tarde… Ahora después de comer en las tardes tengo un curso de alemán. Es bueno porque así aprendo más rápido.. Tengo que salirme de la escuela antes para tomar 2 autobuses que me llevan a la casa así reposo como y luego a las 3 a 5 30 a la escuela.. Mi navidad fue bien diferente pues hizo falta la familia….. En nuevo año hicimos fuegos artificiales duraron como una hora y 30 minutos…. Ya estamos en Enero….ya casi Febrero …Interesante de este mes hasta ahora a sido que me caí de las escalera y me llevaron a la clínica 1 día después, porque no aguantaba el dolor!!!:( Todos me pregunta cómo te abras caído de las escaleras hasta mi tía se rio que mala!! Ella sabe quién es =) Aquí les voy a poner una foto para que vean que es difícil bajarrr!!!! Bueno me despido esta horrible el día y lloviendo …. Hasta la próxima se me cuidan, Se les quiere

Friday, November 7, 2008


I know I know Im not supposed to write in eine Monate aber(but)

As Im dying with stomach pain and while cheewing on my Rolaids xD!But i dont regreat it!!=)

I have to tell Yall(jajaja Im so Txan) This

I went to a "Mexican"(rather more of a Tex-Mex) Reustarant. It was called Santa -Fe.

It was rather astonishing to see how my Gast Familie asked me whats gutt??"hahaha I havent been here i said but fajitas are the best Thats wat I ask for".And Maracuja Juice is amaizing how they sell it here and not really in America ,when is so close to South and Mexico ....

So my food came after 4059490 hoursssss Se tardaron muchisimo

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Off fur eine month

My Dear Readers

As sad as this sound for me it will to you also I have to let you go for 1 MONTh!!! ='(....

The reasons ???School work that is killing me i really dont like to procrastinate..But i cant waste more time I finish and promise ill write more often and videos and fotos have to make it appear as real to you as it is to me.Grax a la gente q deja comments la verdad esq asi no se me hace q escribo y nadie lee....This weekend i meet my councelor from rotary WOW he is supper cool!!!We are both shy and like he ask me stuff and i want to answer with like so much stuff but i dont know If i will scare him so i make my answer short but in the other hand i think i dont want to talk to him...He has 2 dogs cookie and charley one plays soccer and the other one got terrefied of me when i was walking him. We walked in this beutiful forest/park amaizing trees =)... there where a lot of wild deeR IN FRONT OF ME RUNNING XD I GOT A LITTLE SACARED JEJEJE .Then we went to a flee market it was so interesting!!his wife and his sister were selling things, it was so crowded i was thinking of escaping and trying to go explore on my own... I dicided not to because if i left i wouldnt find him again in the enormous piles of old junk!!!(sunday)By the way Woow de impresionante ..When i was going to say bye to his wife and sister on Sat i was so ready for that hand shake..(that cold German way of meeting same as the American way..Not as warm as us Latin people for a gretting and a goodbye)but there it was it struck me I GOT A HUG I GOT A HUG!! =) it made me happy to see some people are not like they say they are..We also saw movie on Sat it was preatty HAHAHA b/c frenchie movie translated to german ..i was glad i got the concept of the whole movie..On sunday at the old junk place i saw his wife again i was ready for a handshake again but no a hi and a bye with a HUG =) im telling u i like this lady allready ..!!! they are actually preatty nice people im looking fowards to many more visits to their beutiful house and so on...I leave u with this video From halloween nigh is really bad i had no time to edit as much as i wanted to... I have to go But i will return with more of my German Adventures